Saturday, February 19, 2011

Words of Wisdom

Disclaimer-nothing is amiss. I was just thinking about an amazing person who has had a big affect in my life. She offered me some good council when I told her I was engaged.

Life is full of wrinkles. Just make sure that you iron them together.

Ever wonder what you are doing in your church calling? Changing the world.

Thanks Miss Gae, Susie Q, Tammy Faye and all my other amazing Young Women leaders for
changing MY world.

I will love you forever.


Tammy Faye said...

You are so kind. It was an honor to be your young women leader. I hope you will receive the same compliment from one of your young women. I love you too and I enjoy seeing all of your successes.

Grandma Susie said...

Bless your heart, Miss Janet! I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you grow up to be a loving daughter, wife and mother (and keeping your sense of humor in the process!). Thanks for verbalizing your feelings. Every time I see, or even think about, one of my Young Women leaders I remember not so much what they taught me but how much love they gave me. I love the sisterhood we all share. There will always be a special place in my heart for you.