Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thanks Marianne

So Marianne (who we all thought had disappeared from the planet) commented about where we are keeping all these antlers that Bryon is finding. Funny, since he just got back from an afternoon of looking some more. Don't worry girls, I have once again built up my quota. I told you shed hunting season was coming and there would be more girls nights out.

Here are some pics of the storage area (AKA my kitchen)
The Deer on the Cabinets

The Elk on the wall. And yes you do need to keep them separated. Isn't he CUTE??


Emily H said...

Your a good wife! I would be for telling my hubby how great they will look in the garage if he tried to put them in my kitchen!

DeVries Family said...

I would just move out....
Nice horns!