Wednesday, October 12, 2011

General RS Meeting Choir

Way back in May-ish I got called into the bishops office to invite me to participate in the regional choir for the General RS Meeting in September. It seemed like a long way away then, but man did it creep fast.I won't report on all the details, since it would take me forever, but let me just say; as was our choir motto "these are days that will never be forgotten"
It was awesome having the opportunity to sing with 363 other women whose love of conveying the spirit though music matched my own. We attended practices at a local stake center as well as a dress rehearsal at the conference center. Nerve racking-Yep, Time Consuming-Surely, One of the best experiences of my life-Bingo.
On top of the awesomeness of it all, the entire experience was greatly boosted by the company I kept.
Thanks Michelle, Andy, Gina and Lisa for laughing at all the jokes I know full well weren't funny. I love you all.

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

Wish I could've participated, but it wasn't in the cards for me this time. Not my season; a high-maintenance little 18-month-old makes my choices for me right now. Bwahahaha!