Monday, November 17, 2008

Wake me up tomorrow. I QUIT!!!

It took me two hours to get Sam to finally take a nap. Of course I was exhausted too, so I laid down and fell asleep.
DARN EARLY OUT DAY! The kids came home and I was expecting them because I heard them coming from the open window. I was hot, so I opened it.
Ethen decided that he should knock on the door and do the continuous ring thing of the door bell because I forgot to unlock it the front door.
Rebekah being far more analytical came in through the garage.
Ethen knows he is not supposed to do this because Sam might be taking a nap, which was the case today. So to stop him from waking the kid up, I jumped out of bed and stormed into the living room. I flung open the door and told Ethen that he had just earned himself a nice trip to his room. He started crying as he pounded away.
Then Rebekah comes in through the garage door. As Ethen fades into the hallways she greets me with an stuttered hello. She has brought a friend home with her and I forgot to pull back on my pajama pants in my fury.

WELCOME HOME KIDS. Your mother is going to commit herself now.


Unknown said...

That was so so funny! Thanks for sharing.

Emily H said...

That is almost as good as the wagon story. Almost.

Lyndee W. said...

LOL! Totally hilarious! I can totally see it. You're a doll!

the4ofusut said...

That made me laugh out loud!!

April said...

That was the best! You made my night!

Suz said...

Man, I don't even have kids yet and I have bad days! Is it only going to get worse?