Monday, March 24, 2008

Obsessions have merged

Last night I had a great dream that really solidified the extremes of both Bryon's and my obsessions.
I dreamt that we went to Logan looking for Elk sheds. This is a great place to check out because of the farm they have up there.
Of course we drove around and ended up finding a solitary bull that actually dropped his final side while we watched. Bryon screeched tires as he came to a stop before bounding out of the Jeep to go and get it. Silly, he wouldn't really do that right? ;0)
Then we had to find a place to stay and low and behold we ended up sleeping at the CULLEN"S!! They were all out for a weekend of hunting or something and I only caught a glimpse of Alice (who now looks like Ashley Greene from the movie-Sorry Steph, you have been replaced in my subconscious) walking by the window. Dumb! How can you spend the night in a house of vampires and not see a single one!!!

I think that Bryon and I both need to accept professional help at this point.


Emily H said...

I will be the first to admit it.....YOu need help.

DeVries Family said...

Ya think? You are just now realizing your "differences"?
Honestly, Janet, The Cullen's? Wow!