Monday, August 18, 2008

The Hunt 2008

We once again retreated up Skyline for the annual Bow Hunt.
The group was significantly smaller this year with the absence of the Smiths, the Stewart and Cox's. I think we planned to cook for 15 people instead of almost 30 like normal.
We also had new camping spot. Not my favorite because of all the people. I was a good think we had trailers, cuz there wasn't much outdoor privacy.

Bryon brought his hammock from Equador this year. Why we haven't taken it before I don't know. It was a hit with everyone.

We took the kids down to the ponds to fish. Ethen and Sam got poles for their birthday and needed to try them out.

Sam Just wanted to throw a bubble in the water, so Bryon tied it to his shoe. He kept pulling it in and casting over and over. Then he finally got the hang of his pole. He loved to reel the bubble in and then drop it back in the water.

Rebekah ended up catching a Golden Trout buy the eye and then she was given two more by someone else that was fishing too.
The fourwheelers were second only to the hammock.

1 comment:

Riss said...


I was fun to come up and see you for the hunt. I wish we could have spent more time but you know how those hunters are. We road hunted on the way home and Abbie got car sick and puked all over so it was enjoyable.