Sunday, January 4, 2009

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!

Rebekah had a tooth that has been ridiculously loose for about a month now. I finally threatened her with the dentist pulling it out. She had that done last year and REALLY didn't like it.
Unfortunately the threat didn't work and we ended up at the dentist for cleanings with a very loose tooth and one moderately loose tooth on Ethen.
After having a perfect check up on both kids, the dentist thought he would try "the floss trick" on Ethen to get out his tooth but he said no. Then Rebekah had it done with out an ounce of pain so Ethen called from the next room and said he wanted it done too. He took a piece of floss and tied it in a slip knot over the tooth. Then took both ends and "POP", the tooth was out and hanging inside the knot on the floss. It was pretty cool. I am going to do that from now on because it doesn't hurt the kids at all and is so fast.
The tooth fairy had to do double duty that night.
And yes I am aware that these pics look a bit freaky.

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

LOL. Sean had a come-apart when I told him I would pull his tooth out with pliers. I proved I'm a compassionate mother by dealing with a front tooth dangling by a thread for a couple weeks before it finally came out by itself. Blessed day.