Monday, January 26, 2009

New Moon Monday

According to the lovely Borders Calendar in my office, today is a New Moon. How appropriate that I start a new tradition of weekly New Moon Updates. Don't worry, posse, you will still get your emails when good stuff comes out. There isn't a lot of news going around right now because filming for the movie doesn't start until March.
I know all of the TM's will think fondly of the times when we actually had the filming location schedule a month ahead of time so that you all could show up and get us good stuff. That isn't going to happen this time. Someone caught on that this fandome is a major force to be reckoned with and the lid is going to be pretty tight. With all the fan sites out there and TM's working with Summit to get some official inside scoops, there won't be a lack of info, just not as much.

I can tell you the following RUMOR's right now.

Chris Wietz has visited Kalama High School to investigate the possibility of doing some more filming there for New Moon. I have a wristband from that High School hanging in my office thanks to lovely Steph (aka Alice-that was a nice dream).

Also Dakota Fanning is in negotiations with Summit to take on the role as JANE!! I have been stoked about this rumor since its reveal. Though she always plays someone sweet and adorable, Jane does fit that role as well in a sadistic, see how cute I am before I shock you to the ground kind of way. I hope they can come to an agreement soon so that it can be confirmed. Then she can be the first addition to the cast board on the back of my office door this year. I admit, I miss all the pics I had there.

I am seriously considering a party of some sort for the DVD release. Not sure if there are enough people intersted though.


kelly said...

Oh! I love the idea of Dakota Fanning for Jane! She is small and slight and sweet looking, but deadly scary. I am so excited.
Did you know that I have a bootleg of Twilight on my computer and have been watching it almost obsessively for about 2 months? (uber-fan too) :)

Anonymous said...

Dakota was so what I picutred Jane as just with shorter hair. I think it will be great. I am more worried over who they will cast as Alec.

I do have a boot leg copy as well. But I still need the real one too. (Need those bonus features.)

Uber-geek-fan myself.

Janet said...

Okay okay. I confess. I have a copy as well. I have tried to keep it a secret, but now it is out there.

Lyndee W. said...

Am I showing my true colors if I ask who Jane is? I read New Moon...but I can't remember a Jane.